Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I was teaching my students about word connotations today. You know, how "home" connotes something different than "house" and how "emaciated" connotes something different than "thin" and (okay, I'm going there) how "George W. Bush" connotes something different than "presidential."

We discussed why sports teams would rather be known as the "Bears" or "Giants" or "Raiders" instead of the "Butterflies" or "Pond Lillies" or "Rainbows" (although what's up with the "Dolphins" and "Packers?") Since we were there, I thought about moving the topic along to why it is offensive to many American Indians to have mascots like the "Braves" or "Indians," but thought I didn't have enough time--today--to do that topic justice.

Then we moved on to the names of cars. They were able to brainstorm quite a list of car names and their corresponding connotations: Escape, Avalanche, and the classic blunder, Nova.

Students then got to create their own car, name it, and then try to "sell" it to the rest of the class.

So, without further ado, let me introduce you to the all-new Chevy Slug. Slogan, "All-Terrain Slug Power."

According to them: "This car is perfect for hunters with its camouflage system. The all-terrain slug can go up to 10 mph and gets 30 mpg. You can climb up cliffs and mountains with no problem. With its ultra grip tires you climb straight up! It is a two-seater love mobile. Want to go on the ultimate scenic drive? Take the Slug and go anywhere!"


chad.02 said...

lmao chevy slug i love it.

btw, Hawaii University mascot is Rainbows.

Shannon said...

Aren't they so creative. Fun activity. Glad you had a spare minute to blog.

The sisters and me said...

Hey I think that would sell in our area. Better give the idea to Cabela's.

What a fun way to learn.