Friday, February 25, 2011


So I was in a public place searching for a bathroom yesterday, when I stumbled upon a typical nondiscriminating bathroom sign: it had a little female figure (indicated by a dress), a male figure, and the ubiquitous skinny wheelchair person whose sex isn't determined.

Come to think of it, they were all white, so maybe I was wrong about the nondiscriminating part.

I'm no stranger to the unisex bathroom, so I opened the door.

It took me a second to recognize what was wrong. It was like looking at those two pictures where you have to find the differences; you know something is off with that guy's shirt, but it takes you a while to realize that the stripes are going in the other direction.

So it took me a few seconds to realize: this bathroom has stalls.

Now maybe I'm not forward thinking enough, or maybe I'm more prudish than I should be, but it seems to me that some things should just be left a mystery to the opposite sex. I know, I know, everyone goes, but I guess I prefer a private privy.

I have no problem doing business with an unknown man, but next to an unknown man? I'll pass.

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